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A Dozen red, white & pink roses

Wildly In Love - A Dozen Luxury Roses


Wildly In Love - A dozen luxury rose bouquet features 12 gorgeous red, pink & white roses mixed with fragrant foliages & Hypericum. Arranged in a beautifully romantic hand tied bouquet. Perfect for showing someone how ‘Wildly in Love’ you are!


Pick the colour of your choice. If red roses are not your thing, you can choose 12 Pink or 12 white or a combination of each colour!


All bouquets are beautifully wrapped and presented in a aqua vase for instant display.




  • Delivery/collection

    Ordering & Delivery

    • We offer a AM slot or a PM slot on 14th February. Please specify which is needed.
    • Collection is avaiable from 13th Feburary.
    • Please note: We offer delivery within 6 miles of York city centre only.
  • Info section

    • Please note, the flowers included in this bouquet are seasonal and are therefore subject to change
    • Additionally, as a natural product, there may be slight colour variations in the flowers, some may appear in darker or light tones than presented unless specified in the stem count.

    For hygiene reasons, this product cannot be exchanged or refunded, unless faulty.


26 Main Avenue

Heworth, York.

YO31 0RU


+44 7359 738 339



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